To mitigate the effects, either grant extra titles to vassals or increase your domain limit. You can do this by increasing your stewardship, discovering technologies, buying perks, or changing your religion.

Exceeding Your Domain Limit – Debuffs

If you hold too many counties personally, then you will exceed your domain limit. You can find your domain limit in the upper right corner of the screen. For each county above your domain limit, a debuff is applied. The debuff scales as follows: This debuff is applied to all counties individually. The excess counties will still be active over the limit, but all of your counties will be debuffed, including those that were under the domain limit before. You should avoid reaching a -100% penalty. This used to be impossible since this debuff was capped at -90%, but a patch removed this limit. Note: Each county that you gain over the domain limit will be inactive for one year. It will not produce anything until one year has passed.

Grace Period

When you take extra counties over your domain limit, there is an initial grace period. This lasts for one year. During this grace period, you won’t experience the debuffs of your new counties over the limit. However, the new counties will also be inactive, as mentioned earlier. This means that you’ll have the same income and levies as before you took the excess counties until the grace period is over.

How To Increase Domain Limit

The fastest way to increase your domain limit is to increase your stewardship. Technologies, perks, and religions can also increase your domain limit.

#1 Increasing Stewardship

For every 5 points in Stewardship, you gain +1 domain limit. Councilors and spouses add to your personal attribute scores, so attracting highly skilled courtiers can also boost your own Stewardship. Your spouse can focus on Stewardship in the council with the option “Manage Domain,” which is especially effective if they already have a high Stewardship score. You can also focus on Stewardship yourself in the Lifestyle menu for a quick boost.

#2 Technologies

There is one technology in every era that grants +1 domain limit. These are, in chronological order:

Ledger (Tribal) Bailiffs (Early Medieval) Guilds (High Medieval) Court Officials (Late Medieval)

#3 Perks

The Stewardship perk Divided Attention gives +2 to domain limit, one of the largest permanent boosts in the game.

#4 Religions

The Pacifism and Dharmic Pacifism tenets both give +1 domain limit to all members of the religion.

There are a few lesser-known penalties related to having too many titles or counties. The penalties that apply to you depend on your rank.

Too Many Duchies

If you’re a King or Emperor, you can have too many duchy titles, and this will affect your vassals’ opinions. Holding more than two duchy titles will reduce vassal opinion by -15 for each extra title. This can quickly add up into a large opinion debuff. Dukes do not get a penalty for having too many duchies, and Counts don’t own any at all.


This penalty applies to Dukes and Counts only. If you have more than 30 counties in your realm in total, you will lose -5% income per extra county. Note: this includes vassals – it doesn’t matter who owns the counties, just watch out for your realm size! You can solve this problem by creating a Kingdom or Empire title, increasing your rank.

What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 98What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 11What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 60What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 90What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 30What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 45What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 15What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 31What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 9What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 58What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 43What Happens If You Go Over Your Domain Limit in CK3    FandomSpot - 92