Adventures are dangerous and filled with treasure, so it’s important for every player to have their very own place called home. And in Tamriel there are plenty you can make your own with some of the most beautiful houses that the continent has to offer. Regardless of which type of house you prefer, Skyrim definitely has a range of options from small shacks to luxurious manors. And in this list I want to share my picks for the top 30 houses you can acquire in your next Skyrim session.

30. The Abandoned Shack

The Abandoned Shack is part of a Dark Brotherhood quest where you’re taken to this small home and kept there for the purposes of the mission. The house is exactly what you’d expect when reading its name – a small, abandoned shack that is far from the prettiest thing you can find in the game. However the place has a bed and a safe container that can be used to store any items you’re carrying. Also the small home looks quite cozy, surrounded by blue flowers and maybe the not-so-cozy feeling that the Brotherhood is watching.

29. Riverside Shack

This small shack, located in the outskirts of Gallows Rock, earns its name being by the side of a flowing river. It’s one of the most beautiful shacks in the game and arguably the most preferred option by players given its location and the scenery around it. The shack once belonged to a man who was eaten alive by a wild animal that still roams the region, so that’s something to look out for. But on the plus side: there’s a small book inside which starts a quest if you read from it. The house has safe containers and a comfy bed too.

28. Alchemist’s Shack

The Alchemist Shack is a beautiful little plot of roof that once belonged to a respected alchemist of Skyrim, who decided to move his life away from the big cities to focus on his craft. Thanks to this alchemist the house is equipped with a comfortable bed and safe containers, as well as a powerful alchemist lab that you can use however you see fit. There’s an end table next to the bed inside the shack that lets you store anything you want without the issue of it despawning.

27. Traitor’s Post

Now the Traitor’s Post is not a home for those looking to live a peaceful secluded life. The large shack serves as a den for bandits that inhabit the area, although there are two cupboards which can be used for safe storing items as well as a bed to sleep. However the bandits inside the house will respawn after you kill them – each visit to this house signifies a fight for your life! In any case, the Post is a two-story home that can be claimed if you dare to clean it up.

26. Anise’s Cabin

Anise lives in a secluded cabin in the woods near Falkreath Hold. Her house can be taken after killing the woman herself, who happens to be a witch. You’ll stumble upon her followers if you decide to take the house and they will always refuse to interact with you – even if Anise has been killed and the house is effectively yours. In any case, the cool shack has a bed, safe storage, an alchemy table, and an enchanting table. It’s one of the best shacks in the game and useful for players of all levels.

25. Faendal’s House

Faendal’s House is the best place to live for anyone who’d rather enjoy a quiet life in a village rather than in any of the big cities. There’s a small barrel that can be used for storage as it doesn’t reset shortly after being used. And the house’s plain design makes it ideal to those who prefer simplicity over large homes. The house allows anyone to live amongst the Riverwood townsfolk and it offers a lot of wood as well as a cooking pot. However this house should better be seen as a temporary location just for transient passage. The storage barrel resets after a few in-game weeks which is really annoying. Be wary when keeping important stuff in there!

24. Alvor and Sigrid’s House

There’s an early quest in the game that’s pretty easy, one where you must help Hadvar. If you do so then you’ll get a key with access to Alvor and Sigrid’s house. The couple inhabit the house with their daughter and there’s always someone present, so stealing from the place can be quite a complicated thing to do and certainly not recommended. But with this new fangled key a Dragonborn will be able to lie on one of the beds and store their things in a safe container. The Riverwood home is an ideal stop during early-game Skyrim, but it won’t really be “your home”.

23. Ysolda’s House

Ysolda is one of the female spouses that you can marry during your time playing Skyrim. The house has Shadowmarks, which are carvings left by members of the Thieves’ Guild in order to identify each other. Now this house also includes a small section of loot(with materials ideal to be used by thieves) that will always spawn, even when you aren’t a member of the Guild. This is an ideal house for players who’d love to dive deep into the immersion of the Thieves’ Guild – there are rarely any better places to do so!

22. Riverwood Trader

The Riverwood Trader is a general store located in Riverwood and run by Lucan Valerius. There are many small missions you can do in this location, such as investing in the store and getting a profit from Lucan after some time. It’s worth noting you may also marry Lucan’s sister, Camila, and get permanent residency in the quarters of the Riverwood Trader. The store has a small room as well as some safe storage options so it works just like other homes. And the overall look of the store is quite pleasant. It’s another solid option for anyone who enjoys life in a quiet village away from the city.

21. Larak’s Longhouse

Larak’s Longhouse has one of the strangest house designs in the game. As the name suggests, the house has an elongated shape with a straw roof and stone walls. It’s an awesome home but it is located in the Orc zone of the Mor Khazgur Mine. To get this you have to marry the orc Borgakh the Steel Heart, and right afterwards you’ll gain permanent residence. It should be noted that there are various sources of storage spread across the place, and there are other orcs that inhabit the Longhouse alongside Borgakh. Keep that in mind before tying the knot.

20. Sarethi Farm

On Sarethi Farm you’ll find the Sarethi sisters who are two of the finest alchemists in Skryim. In fact, the Sarethi Farm is the only place in the entire region where you can find a Nirnroot. The farm is tended by one of the sisters who rightfully prides herself with the setup that she’s managed to construct in the zone. At a glance it’s fair to say this land is quite beautiful. You can move into the house as soon as you marry Avrusa Sarethi, one of the sisters that looks after the place.

19. Romlyn Dreth’s House

If you’re playing as a female then Romlyn Dreth is one of the male spouses that you can marry in Skyrim. His house isn’t the most beautiful of places, nor is it located in the most appealing region in the game. However Dreth is a member of the Thieves’ Guild and the house has a Shadowmark which makes it ideal for players who belong to the Guild and wish to immerse themselves in their role. If you look around you’ll notice there are some breads of garlic to be found as well as a coin purse, which was likely stolen by Dreth in one of his missions. But hey who am I to judge.

18. Karthwasten Hall

To get access here you’ll need to marry Ainethach before you can call Karthwasten Hall a home. This place has a tanning rack and serves as the home to the farmer who runs the crops around the place, which happens to be Ainethach himself. The house is a pretty humble place to inhabit, but it’s also one of the best locations that you can be in the whole game. There’s a lot of food to be taken from the Hall – including a few bottles of wine and some bread to accompany on your adventures.

17. The Scorched Hammer

The Scorched Hammer is quite a well-known location as it is the blacksmith store located in Riften. The house is very modest but it makes for a comfy place to inhabit if you like this location. You can call this house your home as soon as you marry the resident blacksmith. Balimund is one of the male spouses in the game and if you do get married then you get access to his inventory. Cha-ching! Looking around you’ll see the house is filled with everything you’d expect a blacksmith to have. This includes various tools, iron ingots, a forge, workbench, and many other useful items.

16. The White Phial

The White Phial is an alchemy shop with a resident room which you’ll be able to inhabit if you marry Quintus Navale, one of the two alchemists that run the shop. The small house has an alchemy lab which you can freely use without having to do any quests or missions. It also has a usable cooking pot. Now it’s not the most luxurious of homes but it’s an ideal place to live for those alchemy aficionados of the Skyrim world.

15. Silver-Blood Inn

The Silver-Blood Inn can become your house after they marry Vorstag. Are you noticing a pattern of accessing people’s houses through marriage vows? Interesting stuff. Anyway this has quite a strong vibe to it as the building resembles a small castle. The inn is actually run by a family and Vorstag lives in one of the rooms of the place. You will be able to roam more freely around the place after marrying the mercenary. This building has a place in this list because of its unique shape and the fact that it offers something entirely different compared to most of the other houses in the game. Living in an inn is quite a statement of adventure, I must say.

14. Sadri’s Used Wears

Revyn Sadri runs a shop where he sells all sorts of used pieces of clothing and armor for discounted prices. The man claims, suspiciously, that none of the items that he sells are stolen(although that does seem to be the case – it’s up to you to decide!) Various containers inside the house will become safe for storage once you marry Sadri. Those who’d love to seek a life of adventure and reject the novelties of big manors might find a lot of value in the small location of Sadri’s Used Wears.

13. Braidwood Inn

Dravynea is a Dunmer that usually dwells around the Braidwood Inn. You will definitely feel comfortable in the surroundings of the area should you choose to marry the female Dunmer, who happens to be quite the mage. She’s a master in the art of Alteration and one of the most prolific wizards in the region. You can not only learn a lot from the woman, but you’ll also be able to open a shop that the woman will host for the Dragonborn. Braidwood Inn is quite a comfy building and one that will always keep you well fed no matter what.

12. Aerin’s House

This house located in Riften belongs both to Aerin and to Mjoll the Lioness. You gain residency in this house by marrying the latter, and the house itself is very good looking albeit small. The place has three ceilings as well as a cellar and the building is marked with a Shadowmark. By now you should already know: Thieves’ Guild. The house has a total of two chests where you can store items, and people who love Riften will surely find comfort in the halls of Aerin’s House. And really who doesn’t love Riften?

11. Uthgerd’s House

Uthgerd’s house is a particularly unique abode that seems to have a sort of mirrored shape, and it’s one of the more naturally comfy homes you can inhabit in Skyrim. However you need to defeat the owner in a brawl before the place can be claimed. The name of the owner is Uthgerd the Unbroken, one of the female spouses that you can actually marry. Also the bedroom of the house can be accessed by a ladder which is found in the main living room. It’s a small place but ideal for thieves and mages.

10. Viola Giordano’s House

Marrying Viola Giordano will grant you access to live in her home, but in order to do this you must inform her of the ill-intentions of Revyn Sadri while having the objective to visit her home in a quest. The small home is located in the town of Windhelm. Its design seems to fit right in with the rest of the houses in the region too. From a distance the house looks well illuminated, and even more so if you compare it with the rest of the town. Those who love a frozen environment might adore living in Viola Giordano’s home.

9. Severin Manor

The spectacular Severin Manor can be obtained upon completing the quest known as Served Cold. It’s one of the strangest houses in the game but that’s exactly why it’s so appealing. It has a cooking pot and a ton of stuff that can be used by an alchemist, so travelers who love to play around with the ancient arts will be happy to know this house is free to obtain. It is located in the western section of Raven Rock if you go looking. It’s a tad secluded, but still one of the best houses in the game especially for magic users.

8. Hjerim

Hjerim is a house for every type of player. It contains an alchemy lab and an arcane enchanter. And the house is in such a centrical location that you’ll have access to a ton of stores and services without having to leave the area. It’s arguably the most versatile house in this list, and one that many players love to get as their first huge home once they have enough money to obtain it. The main problem is that the house requires a large quest to be completed beforehand. The Civil War questline is huge and must be completed entirely before Hjerim can be your reward.

7. Vlindrel Hall

If you love cave-like houses then Vlindrel Hall is exactly what you’re looking for. This small but efficient home, located in Markath, has a lot of useful stuff inside and a ton of space to store your things. It’s also located in a very good place as it has access to nearby commercial businesses that are likely going to suit the needs of every player. It also allows you to store over 150 books making it the best place by far for those who love to read Skyrim lore.

6. Windstad Manor

The Windstad Manor needs to be built from scratch and it’s one of the three main houses in the game that must be constructed on bought land. The manor is located in a forested area and it offers access to natural views and a riverside location that is just too good to pass up. In fact, apart from the massive size of this house, the best thing about it has to be the incredible views. Solitude can be seen in the distance while the various towns that surround the region are also clearly in sight. Those who love the scenery might want to purchase this house from the Jarl of Hjaalmarch. You need the Hearthfire expansion to obtain it, though.

5. Lakeview Manor

You can purchase the land for this manor from Nenya and you need the Hearthfire expansion here as well. But the house earns its name because it oversees the majestic Lake Ilinalta, near Riverwood. A beautiful location for sure. One of the peculiarities of this house is that its nearby roads are often visited by hunters who roam the forests of Skyrim. So that’s something to keep in mind before buying. It has a ton of useful features such as an anvil and a workbench. There’s also a lot of ores to be mined in the adjacent forest, which makes this house ideal for anyone who seeks a life of smithing.

4. Heljarchen Hall

Skald The Elder is the owner of Heljarchen Hall but you may purchase it from him if you own the Hearthfire expansion. The beautiful house must be constructed by you and the one feature that makes this house one of the best in the game is that you can actually use the house’s mill to create as much floor as you want! This is the best homestead out of the three available with the Hearthfire DLC, and it gives every player the chance to detect enemies from afar thanks to how open the fields around it are. Those who live in constant paranoia while playing Skyrim might love to see what this house has to offer. The one problem is that you might need to be level 20 in order to purchase it, but this entirely depends on who you sided with on the Civil War. There’s a lot of ore and clay ready to be mined nearby as well so even if you have to wait a bit before you can buy, I say it’s worthwhile.

3. Honeyside

Honeyside is a stunning wooden home that you can own almost at any point through the story. It’s located above the river in Riften and its low price makes it one of the best properties to purchase in the early game. The price of this house, combined with the amazing views and nearby useful locations, makes Honeyside rank in my top 3 choices. If you’re not a fan of visiting Riften every time you wish to go to your home then you can rest at ease. The house includes a personal dock which you can use to move in and out of the city through your house as much as you want. The number of useful items that this house holds makes it a great companion for those hunters who need a place to stay. But the alchemy table also makes it a good option in the early game for alchemists too. In fact, the entrance through the dock even allows you to sneak into this house without being detected. So those players who prefer a criminal playstyle can purchase this home to enter and exit Riften as much as you want without fear of being caught.

2. Breezehome

Breezehome is another top-quality early game home that is located in a very central location in Whiterun. In fact, the house is in such a nearby place that you won’t need to walk at all to reach many of the city’s stores. And it’s even conveniently close to the tavern (heavy drinkers might love this feature). Breezehome is a high-quality yet cozy home to be purchased by those who love Whiterun. The city is host to some amazing pieces of architecture, but Breezehome takes the cake in many aspects.

1. Proudspire Manor

Proudspire Manor is the best house in the game for sure, but that title also comes with the heftiest price tag. This is also the best house that you can purchase in Solitude, the capital city of Skyrim. The house itself is rather beautiful with a rocky exterior and a spectacularly tiled rooftop that no other house in the game can match. On the inside the house is as luxurious as it gets. There’s plenty of room for you to maneuver and there’s also an enchanting table and an alchemy table to go alongside it. This massive mansion includes a patio with a stunning view so Proudspire Manor is, without any shadow of a doubt, the best house in the game. Just note you’ll need to pay over 25,000 coins to get it so brace your wallet!

Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 34Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 37Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 85Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 73Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 85Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 62Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 70Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 89Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 90Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 19Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 36Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 83Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 99Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 66Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 92Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 3Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 93Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 30Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 51Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 44Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 8Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 68Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 69Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 78Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 8Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 51Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 1Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 45Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 99Top 30 Best Player Houses in Skyrim  The Ultimate Collection   FandomSpot - 83