There are plenty of trees, flowers, and bushes for you to choose from. But if you really want to go beyond that for a more realistic & overgrown look, things get a bit harder. In real life, ivy and vines have a tendency to take things over. Houses, fences, trees, and really anything vertical are all perfect grounds for these plants to take off. Whether you want to create an abandoned looking home or just a cozy cottage, you’ll have plenty of options. This list has everything from new types of ivy and vines, and even recolors, which will allow you to easily get the look you desire.

Vinea Ivy

Check Out This CC If it’s realism you’re after, this is definitely the ivy for you. At first glance, you may even think it’s really real. Really. This creator made 13 different pieces for you to experiment and decorate with as you please. Some are meant for corners, others are expansive stretches meant to cover walls. And there are some that are just simple clusters as well. With these you’ll be able to do everything from build a very convincing overgrown house, or just add a nice natural touch to a shed. Pretty much every Simmer is thrilled with the Cottage Living pack, and honestly this will probably compliment that nicely, as well as hold you over until it releases.

The Wonders of Ivy

Check Out This CC The Wonders of Ivy… hmph. Anyone who has ever come into contact with a certain three-leaved ivy will concur that it’s not really wonderful. Seriously, y’all. I have scars. But I guess I can see how ivy might be a thing of wonder in The Sims 4. It’s always awesome when you need one little thing to make your build look just right and finally find it. This ivy might just be what your Sim’s home is missing. These neat sprawling clusters come in 21 different sizes, allowing you to even go around corners and over windows.

Ivy Roots

Check Out This CC There may be times where you don’t want to engulf your Sim’s house in weeds. In that case, Natalia-Auditore’s icy roots will be a great way to add a more natural touch to the lot. These decorative plans are more compact and sparse. There’s one option that’s even just roots, which is pretty clever since these plants do sometimes lose their leaves. The others feature highly detailed foliage. It’ll all blend right in with the other bushes and flowers you place.

Ivy Wall

Check Out This CC This CC creator, Pralinesims, really went straight for it with the ivy look. There are actually none to place here, though. You’ve been bamboozled – this’s actually a wall swatch! It cuts out the work of personally covering your Sim’s home in ivy. Instead, you can get that look in just a few clicks. With this CC you’ll have quite a dense covering. It’s like a maze of roots, vines, and an overall leafy appearance. Something extra nice about this is you’ll also never have to worry about the ivy conflicting with windows or doors. Even with the ones that came with the Vampires pack, it can take a little tweaking to get everything just right. There’s really no room to mess up when you’re just using a wall covering, though.

Vines for Fences

Check Out This CC As we established at the very beginning of this article, vines do not discriminate. They’ll grow up your house, up your decorations, up you yourself. You’d have to not move for quite a while, but it’s possible. So of course the squeaky clean fences in The Sims 4 just don’t look quite right. They’re just a little too perfect… I know many people play this game like their ideal life, and that might not include out of control vines. But they can be pretty, too! These vines from Snowhaze are beautiful and one of my favorite CC plants. They’re intended specifically for fences, so you’ll never again have to be frustrated by your “country” build’s lack of plant life. And you have a few styles to choose from here. One type of vines has some Morning Glory flowers, and they really provide nice pops of color. The other type is flowerless, but comes in several different swatches, which will also allow you to pick vines appropriate to the season. Healthy greenery for summer, yellowing vines for winter… you get the idea.

Basegame Overgrown Ivy

Check Out This CC Ironically, some of the best build items in The Sims 4 aren’t freely available. Tons of items are hidden in debug or locked. Many players don’t know about them at all, or may just forget to cheat their way into accessing them while building. I actually was unaware this base game ivy even existed. Perhaps I’m just oblivious, but I myself feel a little cheated now. It’s quite pretty already, but this Simmer went ahead and kicked it up a notch. They added an incredible 62 additional swatches. 62, can you even believe that!? It’ll take years to use them all! Unless you just use them all in one go, of course. But that might look a little strange.

Tropical Vines in Bloom

Check Out This CC Tropical vibes are the best. And you can really feel them with these hanging vines. They’ll quickly add some warmth and color to any lot. You can pile as many or as few as you’d like along walls, doorways, windows, trees – they’ll basically work anywhere, with a bit of “move objects on” and Alt key know-how. You get two foliage options here: sap green and jungle green. Both look quite bold, especially against stony walls. But the best part is for sure the flowers. You can have hibiscuses or orchids, which have three swatches each. With yellow, pink, purple, and red, you’ll have no problem making your builds more varied and visually interesting.

Vines of Prosperity

Check Out This CC When managed properly, vines can actually be a good tool for landscaping. They’ll make your garden or backyard look a bit fuller, especially when using a trellis. And here there are five charming trellises that come complete with grapes. But not just any grapes – they too come in a variety of colors. Yellow, red, blue, green, and purple, to be exact. It’ll certainly be a nice way to break up all the greenery.

Climbing Ivy CC

Check Out This CC Climbing is essentially ivy’s main purpose in life, like playing Sims is for us. That may be an exaggeration, but honestly… not that much, at least for me. These custom additions are categorized as wall stickers, so you’ll have more freedom than using actual plants. This way, you can more easily layer them without worrying so much about clipping, and there are a ton of ways you can arrange them. The creator even used real ivy textures, so they look fantastic!

Ivy Vine Arm Tattoo

Check Out This CC I bet you didn’t expect to be able to put vines on your Sims by the end of this list. But with the endless creativity of Content Creators, no one should be very surprised! For an outdoorsy Sim, I don’t think there’s a more fitting tattoo. What better way to show how one with nature you feel than with a twisty vine tattoo running the length of your arm? This unique creation includes four swatches. You can even see the veins in the leaves, and the tendril-y part makes for a nice natural look.

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