However if there’s one thing the game could use, it’s a visual update. Luckily, we have skins (at a cost). And we’re going to figure out which skin stands out the most from Draven’s entire catalogue.

10. Mecha Kingdoms Draven

Released: January 15th, 2020 Price: 1350 RP Before I start ripping into this skin, let me at least point out some nice features. Being that you’re a robot and all, the way your axes spin is very satisfying. It looks like a blade on a fan. Plus, your W actually activates the jetpacks on your back – which makes the ability feel a bit more impactful and noticeable. Now for the down sides. Being a robot is stupid, and how dare Riot hide Draven’s beautiful face under some metal mask. More than half of the appeal of playing Draven is his personality and his smug face. So I was immediately disinterested the second I saw how this skin did away with that completely. Overall it’s not a bad skin in terms of features, but I hate everything it stands for.

9. Beast Hunter Draven

Released: February 4th, 2016 Price: 750 RP Unlike the previous pick, I don’t hate Beast Hunter Draven. In fact, I have no opinions on it whatsoever – it’s just kind of there. Conceptually, I like the idea that his spinning axe is made out of the jaws of a beast he slayed. But in-game it doesn’t come across at all. Honestly, it feels like playing with the base skin, but you’re 750 RP shorter. Technically it does offer some new effects, like a slightly modified axe indicator. But that is rather easy to overlook. So I give it a “oh yeah, this skin exists” out of ten.

8. Santa Draven

Released: December 12th, 2017 Price: 1350 RP Come December, this skin is a top tier pick. But it’s pretty mid-range the rest of the year. When it comes to pros, the splash art is just amazing. The little snow particles are quite smooth, and the axe indicator is pretty similar to the base skin so it’s easy to get used to. Also, your backing animation is sick here, and your homeguard animation is a straight-up beauty as you frolic the Rift with a bag full of presents. The downsides are that your character model seems a bit bulky, and that the skin does grow old after a while. It doesn’t have that same level of Draaaaaven that others skins do.

7. Pool Party Draven

Released: June 25th, 2015 Price: 975 RP Pool Party Draven has the same issue as the last one. It isn’t really bad, but it doesn’t meet the criteria for a go-to skin. Yes, Draven in a speedo is something every Draven main has thought about at one point or another – usually in their dreams. And getting a tan in the middle of the Rift is a very Draven thing to do. But do you really want to hear bubble sound effects when you’re chasing that final enemy to get a penta? The skin is definitely fun and all that. But personally, I prefer a Draven skin that leans towards his badass nature a bit more than floaties will allow.

6. Debonair Draven

Released: December 9th, 2021 Price: 1350 RP Now we’re moving onto some really heavy hitters, so I’ll have to get even more nitpicky. This is one of the newer Draven skins, and as such you already know it has the cleanest animations – plus an extremely detailed character model. The axes are stylized to hell and back. Plus your axe indicator is a literal snake, your outfit is straight-up dripping, and you can actually recognize Draven from his splash art – which is somewhat rare these days. So, what are my nitpicks? First off, his axe indicator being green makes catching axes while in a bush somewhat irritating. Secondly, the theme is all over the place. Your character model says “Draven but fancy” while your animations say “Slytherin snake magic” and I don’t completely vibe with it.

5. Soul Reaver Draven

Released: June 5th, 2012 Price: 1350 RP I’ll be honest here and just say this skin’s legacy is making me a lot more lenient than usual. I say that because for a 1350 RP skin, it does remarkably little in terms of new particles, let alone new animations. That being said, the new character model is pretty epic – you still get that essence of Draven while also feeling a lot more powerful and a lot less human. Even the voice changer + new voice lines combo somehow doesn’t disrupt the Dravenness of this skin. And that’s impressive. But as I said, it’s the legacy that really makes Soul Reaver Draven a top contender. You rarely see a release skin as good and iconic as this one.

4. Draven Draven

Released: March 31st, 2016 Price: 500 RP This is the type of skin that Draven mains either rank as number one, or as negative one thousand. The skin is ridiculously simple: no new particles, no new animations, no voice filters, no new voice lines, no complete character model redesigns, no chromas, just more Draven. And by that I mean you just have the base model that’s wearing a Draven mask. It’s absurd and somewhat hilarious, which leads a lot of Draven players to opt for it. And honestly, wearing a mask of yourself is totally something Draven would do. Overall, 0/10 in terms of features – but a 10/10 in terms of Draven.

3. Ruined Draven

Released: January 21st, 2021 Price: 1350 RP In my opinion, Ruined Draven is the new Soul Reaver Draven. Just like its predecessor, it makes Draven feel a lot more powerful and mystical, while also keeping his old smug attitude intact. Only this time around, there are the appropriate new particles and animations that come with it. Every auto-attack feels like it packs a punch. Also the voice changer fits really well, the laughter during your new backing animation is just terrifying, and the character model is exactly what it needs to be. So if your ideal Draven skin needs to look demonic in any way, this is likely the best pick for you.

2. Primetime Draven

Released: June 20th, 2014 Price: 975 RP I just love this skin in both conception and execution. Draven is the smuggest dude on the entire Rift. And him being his own announcer is so on brand that I’m surprised it’s not his official lore. The character model looks pretty dope, with Draven absolutely rocking that suit. Plus all of the new animations enhance the theme quite a bit, especially the backing animation. And the new voiceover lines are just perfect. Sure, it might not feel as powerful as Ruined Draven. But it’s too Draven not to put this high up. Plus it’s only 975 RP while bringing so much to the table.

1. Gladiator Draven

Released: March 25th, 2015 Price: 975 RP It’s honestly so poetic that the skin Draven mains love the most is the skin that changes Draven the least. The character model here is basically just base Draven with less clothes and cleaner-looking axes. In terms of particles, Gladiator Draven adds a bit of fire to the mix, both in terms of visual and sound effects. And the only new animation is his backing animation which now has the crowd cheer for him. That’s it. But hey, when the base model is already so close to perfection, I guess little tune-ups are all you need to fall in love. Draven mains are wild man. Note: this content was created under Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.

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