You’ll need 100 SEED Points to take the exam but your points will only be deducted after you pass. You can take this exam by going to St. Eliza at the Rigbarth Outpost.


The Chemistry License is unlocked by talking to Simone after completing the “Please Open the Door” request. To unlock it, you need to do the following steps: Once that’s done, you can now take the Chemistry License Exam for 100 SEED Points.

Chemistry License Exam Questions & Answers

St. Eliza will ask you 2 questions: Note: Don’t worry about failing the exam because your SEED Points are only taken when you pass it.

Chemistry License Uses

After passing the exam, you can now buy a Forge at Studio Palmo. Here’s what you’ll need for the Chemistry Set:

1000G 30 Stone 30 Lumber

Take note of Studio Palmo’s opening hours below: With the Chemistry Set, you can now make:

Medicine Some Cooking Ingredients Soil Nutrients

And the best features about having the Chemistry Set are:

Creating healing items without depending on the Clinic and spending Gold Early access to Soil Nutrients which can be bought only in the second half of the main story

Mix and match your chemical ingredients to get powerful healing items, soil-boosting nutrients, or even permanent stat buffers. So get to mixing – and don’t forget to eat Chemistry Bread to get more recipes.

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