Focus Target can be used on enemies and allies. Shortcuts can also be set up to cast skills on your focused target immediately without having to cycle through different targets. This is especially helpful for healers, as they need to keep an eye on each party member’s health while dealing damage whenever possible.

Info From Focus Target

The biggest strength of using Focus Target is the additional information that is provided, especially when you are multi-tasking during a fight. Here, we’ll take a closer look at what you can see on the Focus Target UI and how it can help you.

HP Bar

When focusing on an enemy, you can keep track of their health to prepare for any incoming phase transitions in a fight. Healers can also lock on to the tank’s HP to have an easier time keeping them alive.


This will display any buffs or debuffs the target currently has. Checking the enemy’s status is great for keeping up any sort of debuff or damage over time effect.

Progress Bar

The target’s progress bar will display any abilities used that has a casting time. This is extremely helpful with watching out for tankbusters and raid-wide damage skills.

Setting Up Focus Target Shortcuts

As mentioned earlier, you can set shortcuts to cast abilities on your Focus Target immediately. There are a couple of different ways to set this up depending on whether you use a keyboard and mouse or a controller. Here are some quick step-by-step guides for setting up Focus Target shortcuts for each method.

Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts

During battle, choose your Focus Target with the “Set Focus Target” shortcut key you’ve selected. You can then press your “Target Current Focus Target” key to shift your attention to your Focus Target immediately.

Controller Shortcuts

You can also use your left and right analog sticks for these shortcuts by pressing down on them. To do this, you’ll first need to adjust some settings.

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