Each condiment pairs up perfectly with specific food items, and if you have the correct pair then the HP recovery from the food item will double. The way this works is by using a food item with one of your characters. If that character also has a suitable condiment in their inventory, this will also be consumed at the same time. If an incorrect pair is used however, the HP recovery will actually decrease. There’s also a crazy exploit you can do by using the Sugar Packet and Rock Candy. The exploit will allow you to continuously increase your stats permanently. You can find full details of this trick by reading our dedicated Rock Candy article here.

Condiment Locations & Food Pairs

All condiments (other than the Jar of Delisauce) can be purchased from the various food stores in Earthbound. Delisauce can only be purchased from Dalaam, and it’s fairly expensive. However, it’s the best condiment in the game – and it pairs with all food items. Condiments can only be purchased from four places. If you need more detailed information on where the shops are, see below:

Twoson, Burglin Park – Among the other stalls, the condiment store is the one with the odd looking, redheaded NPC. Fourside, Department Store – Go up to the first floor. There’s a girl in red and white clothing, next to the cart with the umbrella. Scaraba, Seasoning Shop – This one is a little tough to spot. When you leave the Hotel in Scaraba, head east to find various merchants on carpets. The condiment salesman is the one in yellow, directly below the heavily bearded NPC with the red shirt. Dalaam, Restaurant – House with the signpost outside, just above the entrance to the Cave of the Pink Cloud. Earthbound Condiments Guide  Uses   Food Pairings    FandomSpot - 45Earthbound Condiments Guide  Uses   Food Pairings    FandomSpot - 11Earthbound Condiments Guide  Uses   Food Pairings    FandomSpot - 19