These games humbly began with Demon’s Souls, but then moved up into the big leagues of video gaming with the release Dark Souls, its sequels, and the amazing Bloodborne. And players finally started getting used to the brutally challenging experience of these games. It’s fair to say that gameplay-wise, Skyrim doesn’t have a whole lot in common with most Souls’ games (outside the fantasy settings). But that’s only if you stop at the vanilla game. With the following mods, you can turn Skyrim into a world with so many incredible Dark Souls crossovers. A place where even the lowliest of skeletons could be a real threat.

10. Resplendent Armor

Check Out This Mod To start off your Dark Souls-inspired Skyrim walkthrough, you need the right tools for the job. As in, tools of mass destruction. This Resplendent Armor mod introduces an amazing-looking suit of armor inspired by the Dark Souls games (complete with physics too!) But you also a brand new Greatsword that’ll be able to slice through the toughest skins & scales with no trouble. Truly nothing better to have with you when traveling in such a dangerous world.

9. Elder Souls ENB

Check Out This Mod The Dark Souls games have a very distinct atmosphere that’s difficult to replicate in other games. And not just because they’re not as “dark” as the From Software titles. But this graphics mod really takes things to a new level. Elder Souls ENB attempts to bring some of this difficult-to-replicate atmosphere into Skyrim, and it mostly succeeds at doing so. Check out the mod’s screens and see what you think – I’d say it’s definitely worth a try for true Dark Souls fans. Just thank Gwyn this mod doesn’t bring the same difficulty level as well, could you imagine the horror?

8. Customizable Camera

Check Out This Mod This Customizable Camera mod goes a long way to making Skyrim feel not only more like Dark Souls, but also like a much better third-person experience overall. This mod allows you to edit the camera view in a lot of different ways, letting you come up with your own unique view – or just letting you copy views seen in other games. If you’re looking to make Skyrim feel like Dark Souls, this is an essential mod to try.

7. Vigor

Check Out This Mod Do you know what else is essential to make Skyrim feel like Dark Souls? Stamina mechanics, of course! In most games, managing stamina only means not being able to attack for a few seconds. But with this Vigor mod, having low or no stamina means attack power and speed get severely reduced. A mod for any Dark Souls fans who really want this amazing crossover to happen. Now with that said: anyone up for some true hardcore RPG combat?

6. Wildcat

Check Out This Mod If you’re out on a quest to make Skyrim as hardcore as it is in the Souls series, Wildcat is another essential mod to download. Wildcat is a streamlined overhaul that makes combat far more dangerous and visceral, by making AI more responsive and aggressive. It also increases lethality and makes a few other tweaks. Used in conjunction with the Vigor mod mentioned earlier, it’ll feel like you are indeed playing Dark Souls! Well, almost, but you get the idea.

5. Vigilant

Check Out This Mod Vigilant is not only one of the best Dark Souls-themed Skyrim mods ever made, but it’s also one of the best mods for the game as a whole. And I don’t type that lightly. There are a lot of reasons to play with the new quest added into the game by Vigilant. But suffice to say that if you enjoy lore-rich worldbuilding, epic music, and intense bosses, you will not be disappointed here. Trust the word of a ten-time Lord of Cinder!

4. Darkend

Check Out This Mod Here’s something a little different, yet still worth checking out: Darkend is a mod that doesn’t hide its Souls inspirations, but wears them proudly on its sleeves. And it really shouldn’t be any other way. The team behind this modded quest poured their souls into creating something that From Software would be proud of. And I think it works well. With no handholding whatsoever, plus fierce enemies out to make your life hell, and new weapons of incredible power, Darkend will leave a mark on you. And on the Dark Soul that defines your humanity.

3. Lock-On

Check Out This Mod The lock-on system is another staple of the Souls series. Although high-level players don’t find it essential at all, we’re normal humans around here. And without it, there’s no Souls for us. This Lock-On mod in particular is the updated version of the original mod that introduced a lock-on system to Skyrim – but this one introduces some changes, such as the ability to target teammates (and plenty more). Give it a try and see what you think.

2. Mortal Enemies

Check Out This Mod Combat in vanilla Skyrim can be so unfair sometimes. And the only way to deal with something unfair is to break the system. Completely. Mortal Enemies offers a selection of new combat changes that make everything feel more satisfying, such as improvements to archery and tweaks to enemy hitboxes. The biggest change with this mod, however, is the removal of aimbot attacks. No more of those frustrating monsters to deal with.

1. TK Dodge

Check Out This Mod While there are many features that define the Souls experience, none are more iconic then the rolling mechanics. As ridiculous as it may look, the dodge maneuver in Dark Souls has saved more than a few players in Lordran, Drangleic, and Lothric from getting burned to death, squashed like bugs, or sliced like butter. And with the TK Dodge mod for Skyrim, you’re now able to avoid an untimely death by dodging attacks like you do in the Souls series. And surprisingly, it’s just as fun too. Not only that, but you can also use dodging to cancel attacks and blocking, effectively making combat smoother and way more engaging than before. A must-try mod for any Souls fans.

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