This girl can do everything our kingly friend can do. Plus, who doesn’t love her distinct gen 1 shade of blue? Whether you’ve just evolved a Nidoqueen or might be looking to add one into your roster, a great nickname needs to be fit for a queen. And this list of names has plenty to get those creative juices flowing. Regina Rhea Dutchess Blu Ivy Latifah Gaga Lorde Royya Tiara Elizabeth Ceres Sharron Freya Inaba Dino Queenie Captcha Nashoba Rhapsody Madonna Corelli Big Mama Bella Becky Brulee Biter Isabella Thistle Rayban Brandy Betty Ronette Pearl Barracuda Poison Roxanne Alessia Ashelia Betsy Minaj Chesticles Goddessa Bhutan Neatoqueen Tosser Nidora Harley Sahara Fista Whiskers Plumma Maniqueen Quarry Claygirl Fleur Matriarch Morticia Sectonia Beyonce Scarla Antoinette Windsor Jubilee Beatrix Jazzy Mooncat Hexaqueen Dellilah Breezy Thyme Toasty Scepter Wendy Miley Natalia Nadine Mineral Maybelline Butters Alexia Juanita Toothie Wedge Waller Leah Lunada Mia Sofia Albatross Albania Monarch Bonny Buxoma Deborah Sweetpea Applesauce M’lady Mom Bitchslap Neptunia Galaxia Venus