Those spikes look sharp! Not to mention this thing can put out some pretty strong electricity. But when it’s on your team, that’s great! And if you’re adding a Jolteon to your roster then you might want a cool nickname to match. And this list has plenty of ideas to get you started. Sparky Zeus Inazuma Tesla Kinetto Trinity Thunderfox Jazzercise Voltie Zappa Ampere Diode Koji Lighta Duracell Terabyte Larxene Impulse AC/DC Currentia Lighter Bolteon Volteon Booster Needler Sparky Flasher Voltar Lt Surge Conductor Luceat Fulmini Faisca Spina Kaminari Buzz Circuit Lithium Malton Nitro Overcharge Joules Thor Zatch Eneru Elektra Alicia Mercury Accela Nari Zapina Tonnerre Neochu Razz Mythril Shinryu Coeurl Chaleur Cool Cat Aiden Fritz Thundaja Hobbes Dyson Sabre Rontu Melody Rai Storm Torra Kaminari Cleo Switchblade Masa Vane Gunvolt Blacklight NeoGeo Saint Raika Gale Obearlo Lizzie Lioshock Amperia Kakashi Kracka Rex Nightlife Tanner Nike DJ Farro Shpoople Zaggy Fabio Jewel Watts Beacon Perry Duvet Zambia Zenith